Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm Baaaaack!


The winner of Audrey Beth Stein's guest blogger contest is Stephanie Colombo! Stephanie, I will be trying to contact you starting later tonight, but please email me sooner if you see this. Congrats!

Felix Gilman's guest blogger contest is still open until July 9th.

How French women stay so thin: there are a million stairs in France. And we didn't even try to climb the Eiffel Tower. In particular, for those of us with 3-year-olds, all the restaurant "potties" tend to be up or down an incredibly narrow spiral staircase. I have no idea what people with leg injuries do in that country, seriously.

And also, they all smoke. Yet none of them smell like cigarettes the way American smokers seem to. Freaky.

Finally, when you eat food that good, you don't need to eat as much of it. HOMEMADE FOIE GRAS. Amazing. And why can we not get bread like that in the United States? I'm not getting over this anytime soon.

Okay, I'm going crazy trying to catch up on laundry and grocery shopping, plus my daughter has her first ballet class today, so I'll write more tomorrow. I know you all missed me terribly...


  1. Italy is the same way with regard to food. Absolutely everything is insanely delicious.

  2. I don't know. I don't care how good it was if I'm still hungry after paying like $50 for a plate.

    Welcome back :-)

  3. I've not yet been to Italy!

    And that's a good point, Adam, but in this case the food was rich enough that it was genuinely satisfying to eat less (or to eat a LOT, but then not need another meal later in the day).

  4. I thought French people stayed so thin through a mixture of calorie-burning derision and hot sexing. Good to know!

  5. I've heard nothing but good things about food in Europe. Since I live for food, I'll have to go sometime. Maybe when Oscar is seventeen, ha ha.

    So I have a Q&A post on my blog; you should stop by. I'VE MISSED YOU!!! :)
