Yes, I called it a contest when I first posted about it, but since I'm asking for donations (IN ANY AMOUNT) as a requirement to enter, I guess it's more like a raffle.
So. Have you listened to The Best Story You're Not Listening To yet? Why the hell not? I mean, honestly, what is wrong with you people? Mur Lafferty is a podcasting goddess, the editor of Escape Pod, and she's giving her kick-ass fiction away for FREE -- AGAIN -- and you can't download her latest novella for your iPod? I... I don't think I want to know you anymore.
But seriously.
I'm adding a new prize to my raffle/contest. ANYONE who donates ANY AMOUNT for Mur's awesome novella Marco and The Red Granny will not only be entered to win a hard copy of her superhero novel, Playing For Keeps, but will also receive a hand-folded origami crane in the mail, crafted by yours truly.
The donation requirement can be fulfilled by donating on Hub Magazine's website (they are the original publishers of the audio novella), OR by going to Mur's page to donate, OR by buying an e-version of the novella on Amazon or Smashwords. Then send me a copy of your purchase/donations receipt to carriekei [at] gmail [dot] com. Also send an address if you want your origami crane. (And if you like, I can string the crane for you so it can hang as a holiday ornament.)
your crane may vary
The crane is a symbol of peace, happiness, and eternal youth. Start your new year off right. Donate ANY AMOUNT to an amazing writer who gives so much away, and get a little peace & happiness in return (I make no promises about the youth). Plus get a chance to win a great book. Plus you should be listening to this novella for free even if you don't donate, because it's awesome.
Whaddya say?
I say: will you rep me when my book comes out?;)