Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ready, Set... GO!


  1. Yeah, yeah, it says 2008 instead of 2009. Whatever, I like the image with the little running guy, and I'm not going to waste valuable writing time playing with Paint or Photoshop or whatever to fix it.

    You even get an extra hour today! Go write something!

  2. Run, Carrie, run. I'll be behind you somewhere. I'll post my update on my blog tomorrow.
    Good Luck!

  3. YAY! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I love November 1st. Of course, by November 2nd I am usually behind and cursing myself, lol. But I LOVE November 1st. Happy Nano and the best of luck!

  4. I'm ready! I've been trying to get a Word Count Widget from their site for my blog but none of them are working right now. So I just used my old one combined with a NaNoWriMo graphic.

  5. Good luck!! I'm sitting out this year, but Go YOU!!!
